Thursday, August 1, 2019

Master of Defense - Mercedes Vera de Calafia

This piece was another one that I was simultaneously excited and nervous about doing. It's another one that I wanted to make sure was perfect, as the person that this piece was for was someone close to me. This piece was for my very own Dona, Mercedes Vera de Calafia. 

Silver Brooch - Magdalena von Kirschberg

Barony of Iron Bog - Rapier Champion (Number 2)

I was asked to do the Rapier Champion scroll for the Barony of Iron Bog again, which really pleased me. I had already had a piece in mind that I had wanted to do for some kind of rapier award, so I was really excited to be asked to do this one.

Herald Extraordinary

Monday, October 22, 2018

Barony of Iron Bog - Rapier Champion

Silver Crescent - Eldrich Gaiman

Continuing on the roll of getting scroll assignments for friends, I received a Silver Crescent assignment for my friend Eldrich Gaiman. And I got to work with another friend, Lorenzo Gorla, who did the words for this one.

Master of Defense - Sorcha Dhocair

I think one of my favorite things, in terms of A&S, is when I'm given an assignment for friends. While I give everything I have into each and every scroll, the ones for the people I know are simultaneously the easiest and the hardest. Knowing them means that I can always hide little things within the award that cater specifically to them, personalize it just that much more. Don't get me wrong, I try to personalize every scroll as much as I can, but sometimes the contacts don't respond and you can only use what you have.