Monday, October 24, 2016

King and Queen's Rapier Championship

This past weekend was King and Queen's Rapier Championship. It meant that there was lots and lots of fencing going on as well as seeing family that hasn't been seen in far too long. I didn't have a scroll go out at this particular event, so my brain was zeroed in on fencing my little heart out. That's not to say I didn't bring my art, in fact I had to hand off a completed scroll so that it could make it to its final destination.

Gilgamesh AoA

This past Pennsic I had an AoA go out, it was for Gilgamesh of Havres des Glaces. A scroll that I was actually quite pleased with. Granted, it would be another scroll that I wouldn't get to see go out, but as long as the recipient is happy with it, that's the part that matters to me. For this piece I wanted to try something a little different, giving myself a bit more of a challenge.