Monday, October 22, 2018

Barony of Iron Bog - Rapier Champion

Silver Crescent - Eldrich Gaiman

Continuing on the roll of getting scroll assignments for friends, I received a Silver Crescent assignment for my friend Eldrich Gaiman. And I got to work with another friend, Lorenzo Gorla, who did the words for this one.

Master of Defense - Sorcha Dhocair

I think one of my favorite things, in terms of A&S, is when I'm given an assignment for friends. While I give everything I have into each and every scroll, the ones for the people I know are simultaneously the easiest and the hardest. Knowing them means that I can always hide little things within the award that cater specifically to them, personalize it just that much more. Don't get me wrong, I try to personalize every scroll as much as I can, but sometimes the contacts don't respond and you can only use what you have.

Order of the Pasguarde for Wilhelm Grün

Earlier this year, I was given an assignment for a Baronial Award. It was another short notice scroll, when I was already working on two others, so I decided to make it one of my smaller scrolls, a 5x7 inch scroll. And, instead of my usual wheelhouse, I decided to use strictly paint.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Stagecrafter's Guild Charter

This particular assignment was definitely a challenge, but I absolutely loved it.

I was asked, with about three days notice, to do some quick calligraphy for a Charter that was to go out at Coronation. Now, three days isn't a lot of time, but I still wanted something that was going to make the recipient happy; which, to me, meant more than just calligraphy, which isn't my biggest strong suit.

This was actually the perfect opportunity to do something I had been wanting to give a shot to for a little while, now. A giant, decorative cadel!

A picture of the cadel, angled so the gold paint could catch reflection

Friday, February 2, 2018

Silver Brooch - Beatrice de Warynton

Normally, when a scroll assignment is sent out, the scribe is given a healthy amount of time to research, create and deliver it before the event with which it goes out at. This particular piece (along with one other that went the same time, post to come) didn't have that time-table. It was brought up that scrolls were needed for an event, Bhakail Yule, a week and a few days before the event itself. I volunteered to do them, because that's what we do to help bring a smile to people's faces.

And so, the scribal race against time began!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

AoA - Rodrigue Ignis

Market Day at Birka (aka Birka) is always a big event; there's merchants, fighting and fun. Sadly, it's something like seven hours away from me, so I'm not able to make it most years; this year was no different in that regard. What was different, and amazingly exciting, was that I was given an assignment to go out during main court at Birka.