Monday, October 22, 2018

Master of Defense - Sorcha Dhocair

I think one of my favorite things, in terms of A&S, is when I'm given an assignment for friends. While I give everything I have into each and every scroll, the ones for the people I know are simultaneously the easiest and the hardest. Knowing them means that I can always hide little things within the award that cater specifically to them, personalize it just that much more. Don't get me wrong, I try to personalize every scroll as much as I can, but sometimes the contacts don't respond and you can only use what you have.

What I mean when I say scrolls for people I know are the hardest is that, because I know them, I'm that much more worried that it won't be exactly what they want or hope for. Especially when you're the one they requested on their ICOP letters.

So, when I was reached out to about the assignment for Sorcha's MoD, you can imagine how excited, anxious and thrilled I was.

After some research, I landed on two different pieces that I knew would work wonderfully together, in terms of making something that I feel represented Sorcha. The background is adapted from a piece depicting the Great Hall from 'Éloges et discours sur la triomphante réception du Roy en sa ville de Paris ...' by Jean-Baptiste de Machault; found on the Met's online collection HERE and pictured below.

Once the background was settled on, I knew just the artist to go to for the image of Sorcha herself. In fact, I had seen the very image a while ago, saved it at that, and had remarked upon seeing it that it reminded me of her to begin with (just take away the mustache and round the features just a little bit). That image is 'A Soldier on Duty' by Abraham Bosse; also found on the Met's online Collection HERE and depicted below.

Tell me that isn't perfect for her, right?

Once I got the main pieces, I reached out to Countess Meggie to see if she wanted to do words and then I got to work on the piece.

You'll notice that there are a specific type of Star located throughout the piece; an ode to Captain Marvel, something specifically for Sorcha.

Once the illumination was set, it was onto calligraphy:

"Hear the words of Brennan and Caoilfhionn, Basileus & Bassilissa of the glorious East Kingdom unto their servant Sorcha Dhocair upon her Elevation to the Order of Defense:
Wherefore, you young branch of this noble art, unto you I do make this earnest request, that you will bestow all your idle time, which too many spend in frivolous company and in drunkenness, in giving good counsel unto such young people as do frequent your company, teaching them besides skill with blades, how to manage their weapons, and how, and when to appoint the field, but not upon every boastful quarrel, and chiefly of all, charging them from drunkenness, and all other vices belonging thereunto, which make their souls stink of sulphur and brimstone, and thus doing will purchase you, not only the love of Your Monarchs, but likewise of all the world, and your good report will be in every person’s mouth, yea it will go before you in your travels, like as with an herald of arms, or else like a speedy post, overtake you wheresoever you go. And so to aid you in performing these good acts and to allow you to be received with all due honor and respect do we further give unto you all the rights, privileges and honors which are possessed of a Peer of the Society and name you a Companion of the Order of Defense and order that you shall possess fully and freely Arms by Letters Patent: Per pale purpure and vert, on a lozenge argent a rose proper.
Given by Us on the fields of Pennsic, Anno Societatus fifty-three."

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